Thursday, December 26, 2019
Benefits And Benefits Of Employee Satisfaction - 1611 Words
Benefits play a major role towards employee satisfaction and how they behave in an organization. Employee satisfaction is necessary for the success of any organization. Keeping employee satisfaction should be a priority for every employer. There are many reasons why an employee can become discouraged with their jobs. Some include: lack of communication within the organization, high stress levels, lack of recognition, or limit opportunity for growth. Health insurance is one benefit in the foundation of a comprehensive employee benefit package. Health insurance is an insurance policy that will pay to cover medical treatments or expenses. This also includes dental and vision insurance. ââ¬Å"According to, of the Americans whoâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The number of sick days can be based on the years with the organization and how high they stand with the organization. Paid personal days are time taken off from work that the organization provides employees. The number of days is the same as sick days which was your standing level with organization and how long they have been with them. These days can be used for voting, conferences, and even going to a healthcare professional. The paid personal days are paid at the employeeââ¬â¢s normal base salary. Bereavement time is even under PTO. It is granted for attending funerals and burials, making funeral arrangements, dealing with possessions and wills of the deceased, and for paying respect to a family at visitation. You are usually given three days of this time for an immediate family member and one day for other relatives or friends. Organizations can give additional unpaid days if necessary. Immediate family members include: spouse, parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, and siblings. Another benefit offered among organizations is the 401k retirement plan. It is a plan for employees to accumulate retirement income and is the most flexible type of retirement plan. It shows that the employers care about and value your employees with a means for them to plan their future and encourages employees to save for retirement. It has tax advantages for both employers and employees including tax deferred growth for the employee and tax-deductible advantages for theShow MoreRelatedBenefits Of Employee Job Satisfaction921 Words à |à 4 Pages Research shows that when employers allow their employeeââ¬â¢s to have the freedom associated with autonomy, job satisfaction rises. In theory this increase in the level of employee job satisfaction comes from the sense of greater responsibility for the quality of their work. Also, autonomy can also increase motivation and happiness, along with decreasing employee turnover. All of which can make employees perform better in their job. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Invalidity of the Cosmological Argument Essay - 963 Words
Humans can never know for the certain why the universe was created or what caused it but, we can still create arguments and theories to best explain what might have created the universe. The cosmological argument is another idea to prove the existence of god. Many philosophers debate wheatear the cosmological argument is valid. The cosmological argument starts off quite simply: whatever exists must come from something else. Nothing is the source of its own existences, nothing is self-creating []. The cosmological argument states at some point, the cause and effect sequence must have a beginning. This unexpected phenomenal being is god. According to the argument, god is the initial start of the universe as we know it. Though nothing isâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The strength of this argument is how it uses god to explain the unexplainable since, we can never know for certain the beginning of time []. This argument however has a few flaws. The argument states that odd are initial ca use and self-creating but, the premises stated nothing is self-creating; therefore god must have a cause. Rationally we should conclude if nothing is the cause of its own existence, god itself cannot just come into existence creating a finite four-dimension universe. This created some controversy and lead debates. David Humes proposed a hypothesis that the material universe has always existed, in which case the sequence of causes and effects go back in time forever. This explanation does not lack an explanation, because the universe did not have an initial start and no end. This argument however proves the cosmological argument wrong, since there is no god, if the cycle of causes and effects goes on forever a beginning does not exist. William Wanwrightââ¬â¢s counter argument proposed that the fact that everything has an infinite cause for its creation does not logically follow. The example is given that if the sequence of cause and effect were off on forever humans therefore existed forever. Studies obviously show that this is not the case, committing the fallacy of composition. Fallacy of composition is when parts of a whole are used to prove something about a whole. I agree with Humenââ¬â¢s argument because it
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
God Nature Description Essay Example For Students
God Nature Description Essay So many people have a false interpretation of who God really is. Understandingwho God really is can clear up a lot of false pretences (ideas) that so manypeople have about Him. According to the Bible, there are a number of differentnames and interpretations for who God truly is. WHO GOD REALLY IS! Yahweh*Eternal God most common name used for God in the Old Testament (6829times) *The New Testament uses the word Lord He who is He who is trulypresent Yahweh is not merely one god among many; he is the Creator andRuler of heaven and earth, who is worthy of and demands the exclusive homage ofhis people Yahweh Rapha *I am for I am the Lord, who healsyou. Exodus 15:26 There have been countless times that Gods healing powerhas been recorded in the Bible as well as on other accounts. Mostly commonlyknown should be when God sent his only Son to save the world from eternaldamnation (Hell). I personally have seen instances and know people who God hasdelivered from sicknesses and other forms of e vil. When I was a freshmanin high school my best friends mother was diagnosed with three forms oncancer, she was not expected to live due to the late discovery and severity ofthe cancer. She is doing great, back to her job, and is in remission. Ways GodHeals people! Yahweh Shalom: * Yahweh is peace Yahweh Shammah *The Lordis There 35The distance all around will be 18,000 cubits. Andthe name of the city from that time on will be: THE LORD IS THERE. Ezekiel 48:35 *Although this is referring to the twelve tribes Israel in the OldTestament, I think that this could have been a prophecy that God willcontinually be surrounding us. Yahweh Tsabbaoth *Lord of Hosts *LordAlmighty *In the New Testament Host is refer to as angles, which could beseen as protection, guidance during tough times, and most importantly a sourceof encouragement during times of sickness or pain. Yahweh Tsidkenu *Yahwehour righteousness 5The days are coming, declares the LORD,when I will raise up to DavidA a righteous B ranch, a King who will reignwisely and do what is just and right in the land. 6In his days Judah will besaved and Israel will live in safety. This is the name by which he will becalled: The LORD Our Righteousness. Jeremiah 23:5-6 *In this text I thinkthat God is talking about healing the people that he once banished from theland, by returning them to retake what was once theirs. Yahweh Yireh *Yahwehwill provide *God said that he would provide for all of our needs. This meansif we are sick we will be healed, but what really needs to be understood is thathealing does not always mean that life is the answer. Sometimes our needs andour wants get completely mixed up. El Olam *God the everlasting One*God of Eternity *God was here in the beginning and he will be here in theend. God has healed throughout time and will continue to heal as long as we seekhis name. El Roi *God who sees me *El Roi is with me at all times and ismy protector. *God sees every move that we make and do not make. He sees when weare sad and when we are happy. He also sees when we are sick and when we arehealthy. Most importantly he knows when to heal us, comfort us, give us space,listen to us, and so other things because he is continually looking over us. ElShaddai *God the Mountain *God the Rock *God the Provider *ElShaddai provides for all my needs, He shields from danger, and has given meshelter. *When I get stress and weighed down with the stress of life I like togo up to the mountain and try to clear my mind. I do not think that healing hasto always be physical, I think God can heal in many different ways whether it bephysical, mental, social, or spiritual. Elohin *name similar to Yahweh used over40 times in Job as a way to refer to God, without using His name Yahweh orAdonay Tremble, O earth, at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of theGod of Jacob, Psalms 114:7 Knowing God! To have a complete understanding ofGod the Father, it is beneficial to Understand who God the Son is. These areverses are where Jesus describes who He is and why His Father sent Him here. Allof these references come from the Gospel book of John: *6:35 35Then Jesusdeclared, I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry,and he who believes in me will never be thirsty Here Jesus tells us if wefollow him with all of our hearts, we will need nothing more, he will provideall that we need. The problem here is that some people do not understand thatwith believing you need to live the life of a believer. Praying daily that Godwill continue to work in your life and the lives of others. Reading the Word ofGod which will help you understand who he is and will help you to make some ofthe right choices in life. Attending church regularly and surrounding yourselfwith people that will help you grow in the Lord is very important because weneed interaction with others. Other Christians who can lift us up in times ofneed and can support us when we need them to. Now the Bible does not say thatyou need to do any of these things, but I think that they will all help greatly. .u584d389b6d6763dc174ca255d087d79c , .u584d389b6d6763dc174ca255d087d79c .postImageUrl , .u584d389b6d6763dc174ca255d087d79c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u584d389b6d6763dc174ca255d087d79c , .u584d389b6d6763dc174ca255d087d79c:hover , .u584d389b6d6763dc174ca255d087d79c:visited , .u584d389b6d6763dc174ca255d087d79c:active { border:0!important; } .u584d389b6d6763dc174ca255d087d79c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u584d389b6d6763dc174ca255d087d79c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u584d389b6d6763dc174ca255d087d79c:active , .u584d389b6d6763dc174ca255d087d79c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u584d389b6d6763dc174ca255d087d79c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u584d389b6d6763dc174ca255d087d79c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u584d389b6d6763dc174ca255d087d79c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u584d389b6d6763dc174ca255d087d79c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u584d389b6d6763dc174ca255d087d79c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u584d389b6d6763dc174ca255d087d79c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u584d389b6d6763dc174ca255d087d79c .u584d389b6d6763dc174ca255d087d79c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u584d389b6d6763dc174ca255d087d79c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Reumatoid Arthritis a Debilitating Disease Essay Just like in a sport you need to practice to get better, to become closer to Godyou need to do things that will help you grow closer to him. *8:12 12WhenJesus spoke again to the people, he said, I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light oflife. This passage lets us know that Jesus will help us through thehard times, and He will direct us in the paths that we should walk in. WhenJesus is going through the wilderness Satan tempted him three times because hewas weak and at a venerable stage. Jesus did not give in these temptations, butwe continually do fall into these types of temptations. This is where Jesus ishere to guide us and give us strength. *9:5 5While I am in the world, I amthe light of the world. As long as Jesus is, still in the world thereis still hope for the world. The word hope here is referring to something thatwe are looking forward to. I believe that when Jesus returns for the second timeto bring his people home the place that we call home will be Hell on Earthas the saying says. If God were to remove his presence from the earth not one ofus would want to go on living. The anarchy and complete destruction that wouldbe going on would devastate any person who has an ounce of morals. *10:7-97Therefore Jesus said again, I tell you the truth, I am the gate forthe sheep. 8All who ever came before me were thieves and robbers, but the sheepdid not listen to them. 9I am the gate; whoever enters through me will besaved.A He will come in and go out, and find pasture. Jesus is telling ushere that He is here for anyone, and all we have to do is come to him. God hasgiven every person a choice to have eternal life or eternal death. To haveeternal life we must come to the Son of God, Jesus who waiting for us to do so. However, we must make that choice, it is no ones responsibility except our own. *10:11,14 11I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down hislife for the sheep. 14I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and mysheep know me Jesus lay down his life for us like that of a true shepherd. Jesus knows each on of us that have come in to the kingdom of God, just like weshould know him. Although, Jesus allows us to wonder so that we might learn hasstill given his life for us. He has given us the choice and he will not force usto do anything, all that we do we do because we chose to do it. It is so amazingthat God would send his son to save us from the sins of the world, and thenallow his son to give his life for everyone on the earth. *11:25 25Jesus saidto her, I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me willlive, even though he dies; Jesus died and rose again and as long as webelieve this, we can be accepted into the kingdom of God. The word resurrectionmeans to rise from the dead and that is just what he did. *14:6 6Jesusanswered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to theFather except through me. Jesus informs us here that the only way we can getto God in heaven is through Him (Jesus). Heaven is where al that believe in Godwill end up while in commune with him. Coming into the Kingdom is a free choice,but we have to submit ourselves to Him before we can come in. To come into theKingdom of God is to surrender all that we have and all that we are, so thatnothing comes between our relationship with God. It is hard to put God first ifyou have not surrendered all unto Him. *15:1,5 151I am the true vine,and my Father is the gardener. 5I am the vine; you are the branches. Ifa man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you cando nothing. Jesus is our main source of life, with him we can do all things,apart from him we can do absolutely nothing. Apart from Jesus, we are damned tohell and I personally can not think of anything worse than that. Yes, we canstill function in life but ultimately we will end up in the pit of the abyss(Hell). God is all that can be imagined and then some more. However, onlysomeone as selfless (unselfish) as God who sent His Son Jesus Christ to thisearth to save the w orld from eternal death while continually beginningpersecuted. The things that Jesus had to put up with for the good that he wasdoing is just unspeakable. Whipped, beaten, spat upon, made fun of, and probablythe worst was being betrayed by one of his own disciples. This is just some ofthe persecution that Jesus had to suffer. Jesus is personal and provides foreveryone differently from the next person. Who do you say He is.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Shakespeares Hamlet Research Paper Example
Shakespeares Hamlet Paper Shakespeares hamlet is a complex play based on the royal family of Denmark. The king Hamlet dies and his wife Gertrude marries his brother Claudius Prince hamlet is not happy with the wedding and his thoughts are later confirmed when the ghost of his father tells him that he was murdered by Claudius. Hamlet then starts to take revenge which eventually leaves everyone dead. In this essay I will be discussing act 1 scenes 4 and 5 in which the ghost appears, I will be looking at the events within the play that could be held responsible for the onset of hamlets madness or indeed his death. I will consider both sides of the argument and acknowledge wether the appearance of the ghost was the catalyst of hamlets eventual demise. Act 1 scenes 4 starts of with horatio Marcellus and hamlet waiting impatiently for the ghost which Marcellus and horatio have seen it then draws near the season wherein the spirit held his wont to walk this also prove that the ghost is not just hamlets mind in a state of madness as the men witness the ghost before even notifying Hamlet. Horatio states Before my God, I might not this believe without the sensible and true avouch Of mine own eyes. We will write a custom essay sample on Shakespeares Hamlet specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Shakespeares Hamlet specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Shakespeares Hamlet specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Considering stagecraft I would reckon that horatio hamlet and Marcellus would be standing fairly close together whilst having the conversation. The atmosphere would be rather quiet and ominous and the tension would dramatically increase when the ghost enters. Horatio and Marcellus then try to stop hamlet from following the ghost do not my lord however hamlet is determined and explains to them that following the ghost will probably be the only way that he can know his fate and follows the ghost. Hamlets first speech with the ghost show the doubts that exist in his mind about the nature of the ghosts apparition he says Whither wilt thou lead me? Speak Ill go no further. This shows doubt because hamlet was willing to follow the ghost to seek some guidance and answers but hes now feeling unsure that this ghost or apparition may just be an evil spirit and therefore tells the ghost to stop as he will follow no more. Hamlet then beckons the ghost to reveal what discord robbed his fathers peace, the ghost then tells the story of how Claudius his brother poured poison into his ears The ghost urges Hamlet to Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder (Act1 Scene 5 Line25) and informs him that The serpent that did sting thy fathers life now wears his crown (Act1 Scene5 Line 38). Considering the views of the audience at this point would be the essential difference between Catholicism and Protestantism the Catholics believe in Purgatory and Protestants do not. The Protestant line is that if you lead a good life and have great faith in Christs ultimate sacrifice, a place in heaven is assured. Catholics though believe that immediately after death there is a period of purification, in Purgatory, before the deceased enters heaven. The opposing views are represented in the play by the Ghost, who comes from Purgatory and must have come back to make right the story of how he died in other words the ghost had unfinished business before he could go to heaven. The Ghost then taunts Hamlet, telling him that it is part of every mans honour to avenge his death. Hamlet then becomes a part of Denmarks foulness and wretchedness when he agrees to avenge his fathers death. This is the beginning of a vicious cycle of hatred, death and revenge that destroys many lives. The ghost then departs leaving hamlet trapped in a dilemma of moral conflict and duty towards the promise he makes to his fathers ghost. Horatio and Marcellus come rushing in on the line my lord my lord! The exclamation mark used at the end of the lines by Shakespeare shows great urgency. The ghost then cries out from under the stage, urging them to swear their secrecy. Obeying the spirits demands, Horatio and Marcellus pledge upon the cross of Hamlets sword that they will never speak a word of what they have seen and heard. Hamlet then tells them that he will pretend to be mad these are but wild and whirling words however Hamlets choice to put on an antic disposition leads to his downfall; it is a tragic error in judgement which destroys his relationship with Ophelia and Gertrude. Is the appearance of the ghost the catalyst for hamlets eventual demise? Hamlet is certainly unhappy about the circumstances from before but his encounter with the ghost adds to his anguish trauma and despair, hamlets character undergoes a serious change after this meeting with his fathers ghost. However the question arises wether this is the only cause of hamlets madness which infact lead to his death. As we already know hamlets grief over the loss of his father was showing signs of consuming him. Some would argue that it was hamlets spontaneous killing of Polonius or maybe his choice of pretending to be mad actually turned him mad I feel that Hamlet has a tragic flaw in his personality and behaviour. His flaw is that he is overly concerned with death and tragedy. This flaw or weakness in Hamlet leads him into a world of chaotic surroundings and madness. Hamlets flaw and his mad personality led to the death of several people, including his mother and the King of Denmark Hamlet is disheartened he ponders thoughts of suicide by his own soliloquy. To be, or not to be; that is the question Hamlets misery, or state of depression, was more easily perceived by an Elizabethan audience than would be by a modern one. Shakespeares use of language generated the drama and tension in hamlet, the lack of special effects which were not available in Shakespeare times were accomplished by his use of language and the effect of writing throughout the play in form of poetry was very efficient. The meanings ideas and hamlets soliloquies were all used by Shakespeare to show hamlets isolation and despair. Shakespeares literary techniques and devices had a great impact on the audience; however compared to now the audience would expect more such as extraordinary devices and distinctive elements. His use of dramatic and emotional vocabulary in Hamlet virtually all the way through arouses the audiences attention and creates an exciting atmosphere. The phrase to be or not to be demonstrates Shakespeares intentions of building up an anxious and tense mood for the audience as they feel highly sympathetic towards the character. Shakespeare later uses the character of Laertes. Who is clearly a remorseless and bitter man in search for revenge for his late fathers death to build up the idea of hamlet as a victim once more.
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